Privacy Policy

TWhen you complete the membership registration ——— free of TripCan ——— hereinafter referred to as "the platform" and proceed to the next step after checking, it means that you have read, understood, and agreed to accept the following content and subsequent amendments and changes. If you are under the age of twenty, your legal guardian should read, understand, and agree to all the contents of this consent form and the subsequent amendments and changes before you can use this service.

TripCan HK Co., Limited ⸺ hereinafter referred to as "TripCan" collects users'personal data in compliance with Taiwan's "Personal Data Protection Law" and EU General Data Protection Regulation GDPR and other relevant laws and regulations Below, in accordance with this privacy protection policy to collect, process and use users'personal data.

In order to handle the membership services, online transactions and related administrative matters provided by the company, users may need to provide their name, phone number, date of birth, ID number, residential address, e-mail or bank account information, etc., in order to continue to use the services provided by TripCan and receiving event prizes or related preferential information.
When users provide personal information during the use of TripCan's services, unless otherwise provided in this privacy policy or otherwise specifically stated by TripCan, the user's personal information will only be used in TripCan and its affiliates.
TripCan's main purposes for collecting personal information are as follows:
Verify membership holder identity.
Consumer protection, customer management and service.
To provide high-quality services, conduct data surveys, statistics and research analysis.
For promotion and marketing purposes.
Period, region, and method of using personal data
Use period: Unless otherwise stipulated by laws or this privacy protection policy, this platform will cease operation or the user requests TripCan to terminate the use.
Use area: the area where the platform provides services.
Examples of usage are as follows:
When using the services provided by this website as a user, the user information is automatically displayed in the user interface.
When users conduct online transaction services on this platform, they will collect order-related information filled in by users according to the online transaction patterns proposed by users to ensure that user's complete payment, collection, mailing and other necessary transactions, and used to analyze your personal transaction behavior as a basis for the operator to design user activities in the future.
Promotional advertisements or marketing, etc.: Personalize or analyze the user's behavior on this platform to show users the promotion information of relevant preferences, develop new services or improve existing services, etc.
Respond to customer inquiries: Respond to inquiries raised by users to TripCan via email, mail, fax, telephone or any other direct and indirect contact means.
Other business incidental matters: To use for the above purposes in order to provide services.
Personal data storage and exceptions
The user confirms and authorizes TripCan to retain and store all the information provided by the user and place the information in one or more databases of TripCan. We will maintain full control and protection of all the data in these databases in accordance with strict security and confidentiality standards and will not disclose to third-party vendors.
With regard to the personal data registered or retained by the user, with the exception of the following personnel or conditions, TripCan shall not provide or disclose it without the user's consent:
TripCan's employees who have received formal training and are authorized.
A third-party service provider that provides support services due to operational needs. These vendors are contractually bound to comply with the privacy standards listed in this article.
TripCan is required by judicial or other competent authorities based on statutory procedures and needs to disclose information to government agencies.
When the company is under reorganization, restructured or similar situation occurs, any trustee or transferee who is benefited from TripCan.
To protect all legal interests of TripCan.
In an emergency, to protect the personal legal benefits of other users or third parties.
TripCan has implemented measures to prevent unauthorized access or use of such information. The system of this platform has used appropriate security protocols for authentication and authorization to ensure the security of electronic communications. Nevertheless, we are not responsible for any breach of security measures or unauthorized disclosure or use of such information.
When a user uses TripCan products or services, in order to provide the user a more relaxing experience, the operator may use various technologies to automatically record all user behaviors on TripCan, user IP address, operating system version number, Information such as equipment identification code serves as the basis for internal evaluation of this service. The above information is only used for statistical analysis and does not involve the user's personal identification data. Except as otherwise provided in this privacy protection policy, or with the consent of the user, or the circumstances required by laws or regulations or government agencies or court orders, it will never be disclosed to other persons and units other than this service.
In order to enable users to fully enjoy the personalization, membership, and other related services provided by this service, when users use the services of this platform, the platform will place cookies ——— sent a short information from the Web Server to the software and stored in the system In the electronic device used by the user. This cookie does not contain the design of retrieving personal identification, but records the user's personalization settings and usage habits in this service. The server of this service can only read the activity records of the user during the use of the service in the cookie. The user can clear all the cookies by him/herself. When the user manually clears it, the relevant information of the user will be deleted.
TripCan services may include, link to information, or other services ——— including websites provided by third parties. These third-party services may be operated by a third parties. The user's use of such third-party services ——— including any personal information provided by the user to such third parties is subject to the third party's terms of service and privacy policy ——— not this privacy policy terms. Users are requested to properly protect their personal information and only provide it to others when necessary. This privacy policy only applies to the information collected, stored, and used by TripCan. It does not apply to any third-party services or third-party information usage rules. TripCan is not responsible for any third-party use of information provided by users.
TripCan take the personal data privacy issues seriously, and knows that when TripCan provides new features or commercial services, or when it is necessary to update this policy, TripCan will notify users of the changes before modifying this policy.
The user of the personal data collected by this service may claim and exercise the following rights against the operator in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law:
Enquiry or request to read.
Request to duplicate.
Request supplement or correction.
Request to stop collection, processing or usage.
Request to delete.
TripCan may charge a reasonable fee for complying with the above requirements.
If users have any questions about this policy or matters related to personal data protection,
please contact TripCan via email ——— email: [email protected] , TripCan will reply as soon as possible.